First of all, I obviously stink at blogging! There are so many moving parts in my life right now that I forget to share what is going on. Here's the scoop.
The adoption has proven to be VERY difficult in many ways. There always seems to be another hoop and another cost. Last week, however, we were sure it was over.
Due to Haiti signing the Hague Convention (which is a wonderful thing for Haiti's children!), we were suddenly faced with a pretty big chance of being
ineligible to adopt Dora. There is an unknown and unpredictable amount of time between when countries sign the convention and when it is ratified. Some can take years, some months, and some shut down adoption all together during the process. There is a small chance that adoptions in process would be grand fathered in, but there is no way to know that for sure.
Earlier in the week we had found out that we would need a new home study specifically for international adoption. After contacting the agency that did our first one, they said the cost of a new one would be between $5,000 and $6,000. Our request was reviewed by the corporate offices and denied because of the
uniqueness of our situation and because they were apprehensive about putting their Haiti program in jeopardy.
I got it. It made sense for them to protect it, and to not risk it for one family. But that family was mine, and I was VERY upset. If I remember correctly, I had ice cream two times that day! They gave me the name of another agency in town that may help us. I called them immediately, and the woman I spoke with was very confused why they had been recommended and she wasn't sure how they could help me.
After drowning my sorrows in a
venti iced skinny latte, I started very reluctantly down the path of accepting that this was over. It was never going to happen. All weekend I walked around in a fog and didn't know how to feel. I didn't tell many people what was going on, it was hard to even say out loud, but I was sure it was over.
Monday morning, I got a phone call from a different woman from the agency I was
referred know, the one who said they couldn't help? Apparently, they were talking over coffee that morning and my phone call came up. Turns out that the woman who answered the phone was not very knowledgeable about their services. She then went on to tell me that they could help. She wanted to WHOLE story. So, two hours later....just kidding, I managed to get it all out in about 10 minutes...she said they most
definitely would help. Are you kidding me???!!!

So here it is, Wednesday, and I am filling out paperwork, again. I'm begging God to please let us be on the right track. Other times in this process, it has felt like we were, but then the train crashes, and I fall apart. If I live through this, it will be a miracle! ;)
Jaeden has been such a trooper through all of this, being our biggest cheerleader and the source of lots of laughter and hugs. I know that our family has something to learn through this, and I hope and pray that God will use it to not only strengthen us, but to others now and in the future.